
From our happy clients.  All our testimonials are verifiable from emails sent to us!

Thanks for the new photos page; that is a brilliant idea and will make it much easier and clearer.
Marie J. Dhaese

I am very impressed with your web site and the way you promote your business on the internet.   (in reference to www.TheImpJournal.com, which Pacific Websites built and maintains)
Michael G. Holt, Ph.D. – CHt-I
Magi Institute

Pacific Websites built a website to my specifications and is always available for changes that I request. They have made my business become a reality on the Internet!
Signed, “The Imp”

Thank you Alan, for getting the food info and app up on time. I really appreciate being able to rely on you to do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it.

Hello Alan!
Just a note, the work that you did for me appears to be working. I haven’t
really tracked it well, but I have more folks saying they “found” my
website rather than specifically looking for it.
My retail sales are up a bit, despite the cold wet weather across the country.
I’ve been very busy with life in general, but do hope to get more help from
you in the near future.
Thanks again,
Don Walker
Visit our website at: www.walkershatshop.com

Hi Alan: Thanks for the expeditious work! Great!
(continuing on…) To Justin: … I wanted you to see that Alan has gotten the photos of your unit posted in record time!
Constance Bartenbach
Rental Resources

Hi Alan:
Tremendous job. Looks fantastic and the pictures DID turn out great.
By the way Joe has two other sites he uses and would like to know if he can change them to your company for hosting as well.
Really impressed with your work and our site.
Thanks very much.
Ian Dunbar, Blue Cap Distributors, Parksville, British Columbia www.bluecapdistributors.com

Hi Alan,
All of the Keyword Research has been impressive. I didn’t realize how important it is to use the right words.

Hi Alan,
Thanks for your lightning response! That’s what I call impressive!
…In the meantime thanks again for your help.
Best Regards,
Stonham Aspal, Suffolk
IP14 6BZ England
Website: www.morleyestates.co.uk

Hi Alan: Thank you so much for being so prompt with this…it means a lot.

I would like to note that Alan has done an exceptional job on my website…
I highly recommend his work in case you are making recommendations to your future clients. By looking at the client profiles on Alan’s Website you will note that his work is well represented in the community.
Many thanks,

Thanks again for all your help with this computer, Alan. may all your steps be light ones!

Thanks Alan,
Have you checked our site recently? With your excellent instruction I was able to make a few cosmetic changes to update the looks.
Thanks very much.
Judy Cowan, Coordinator
CVEA Fall Fair

New site looks good and navigates well. Good job your web guy did.
(from friend of website owner, in reference to www.OldGrowthConnections.com)

Excellent idea Alan. I sent them an e-mail asking permission. Remy could also put it on her website.
Thanks, I would not have thought of it.
Constance Bartenbach
Broker/Owner, Interior Designer
Rental Resources

Hi Alan,
You’re the fastest gun in the West. The site looks great and the optimization information is really good news. We’ve already received an order using the new GL-289 style number.
Sales at www.Sport-Smart.com

Received a nice complement from Southern Golf Tours today on the new look on the site. Just thought you would want to know!
Constance Bartenbach
Broker/Owner, Interior Designer
Rental Resources

Dear Alan,
I am delighted with what you have done.

Hi Alan. Just a note to say thanks for your good work, I have got between 50 and 60 members now and asked her to hold off now until you are able to start working with me on my website in March…
It is nice to see it coming up on the search engines however! See you in March!
Vanayssa Wakefield

Hi Alan: I just wanted to let you know that we are obtaining a very highly desirable property…..all due to your web work. The property owner said she selected this agency because our website was the best of the agencies here on the Mississippi Coast. Hats off to you!
Constance Bartenbach
Rental Resources

Hi Alan
Thanks again for putting our website together. You
may be interested to know that we had our first inquiry
about making a custom driftwood coffee table from
someone in Ontario. This may be the start of a good thing.

Hi Alan: I could not have anticipated just how busy we were going to be this year. I am going nuts!!!!
Constance Bartenbach
Rental Resources

I am happy to learn that you have been involved in those discussions. I am very happy with the work you have done for me (read festival) and have no plans to change our relationship. That being said – change is unpredictable.
Thanks again.. more changes will be coming.

Thanks very much Alan for being so expedient about getting the photos posted.
By the way, the owners of unit xxx… were tickled pink that you got the photos up…they e-mailed notification to all of their friends and associates!!!!!!!!
Constance Bartenbach
Broker/Owner, Interior Designer
Rental Resources

Hey Alan – The website is fantastic – Thank you so much – Great job – Sylvia has looked at the entertainment now too and she is very happy and my daughter in law also emailed me to say that she had checked it out and thought that it was wonderful-

Hi Alan: I think that the new website looks great. I like the cheerful colors, and I think that my customers will too.

Hi Allan
Thanks for your dedicated time to complete this site. We think it is great. Like you said a site is never finished
Let us absorb for a few days and we will contact you with some editing suggestions.
Again it looks awesome. We are happy.

Thanks for posting the troller pictures I sent in Jan! I was excited to see them on the site…
So thanks again.
Drew Dampier

HI Alan:
I appreciate all of your hard, time consuming work, and thanks again!
Constance Bartenbach
Rental Resources

Many thanks again for all your work and help in getting our web site current and with the video. Your rates are most reasonable for all the effort you have put forth. Many, many thanks.
Ian Dunbar, Parksville, British Columbia. www.BlueCapDistributors.com

Dear Alan:
You have done a superb job.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I hope I can manage all this!
Patricia Magee, The Tartan Lady, Courtenay, British Columbia tartanweaving.com

Thank you Alan. I appreciate your quick efforts.
Constance Bartenbach

-Hi Alan,,
Had to write and tell you how my web site www.crosswindscharters.com  has come alive since you redesigned it for me. I am getting so many more hits now and the re-wording and re-designing of the presentation has made it much more self explanatory as to what we have to offer our guests. We are so impressed as to the speed and the presentation of the Mexico page that you added to the site on such short notice.
Once again thanks to Pacific Web Sites for the excellent job,
Peter Watson, Tall Ship owner, Comox, British Columbia. (Tall Ship Sailing Charters)

Three Testimonials from Valleylinks:

  1. When we gave our public classes about using computers and e-mail, Alan’s organizational skills were an valuable asset to the success of these events.

2. Thank you for rebuilding our Calendar pages, correcting broken links, and dumping out-of-date pages throughout our website. Visitors will have a far better experience at Valleylinks.net.

3. Alan’s ability to organize our 400-page website was a big help to Valleylinks.

Our site is all about information, and the “Search our Site” feature you installed makes navigation for our staff and our visitors much easier!
Don Irvine, Manager at Valleylinks, Courtenay, British Columbia (www.valleylinks.net)

Thanks so much for the work you did on my website. It has made a huge difference to my business. You think of all the little details and that’s what is important in the business world today.
Deborah Dowker, owner of Futspa Incorporated, Courtenay, British Columbia (www.futspa.com)

“I want to say that I continue to be impressed with the quality of our website & the continuing changes that keep it fresh…I will also do what I can to sent clients your way.”
Staff at Comox Valley Harbour Authority, Comox, British Columbia (comoxharbour.com)

I am thrilled with your prompt reply concerning the SS Joan painting by W . Chapman. I plan to check the sites that you so kindly found for me. We were in B.C. a few years ago and just loved it. Thanks again!
Sincerely. Roy Fells, Nova Scotia

Thanks for the review. I never knew how ineffective our web designer was. You have opened up my eyes.
Howard Pattinson, Owner of Tiderip Tours, Telegraph Cove, British Columbia (www.tiderip.com)

Hi Alan,
Thanks for all of your help while designing my website
and thanks  for the code I needed.
Randy Sutton, Bixe Books, Illinois, USA  www.bize-books.com